Fasting To 40: Embracing 39 with Humor, Heart, and Three Intentions.

Tomorrow, as I embark on this Fasting to 40 journey and turn 39; I’ve coined three core words for myself to live by.

The purpose of this exersie is to lead my 39th year with INTENT! So often, we can let life lead us instead of leading life.

Since I want to lead this year with intent. I have been thinking about what that intent will be for a while now.

I have been writing ideas out in my journal and working with the Universe on what those intentions will be.

Many, many intentions have popped up, but I’ve finally narrowed it down to 3 core intentions for my 39th year.

My goal is to ensure I feel empower and step more into my power as I go into my 40s.

In order of importance:

  1. Self-Discipline
  2. Surrender
  3. Becoming

Let’s dive into the reasoning behind them.

Self-Discipline: I want to direct my own life, not let life direct me.

Alright, let’s start with the big one – self-discipline.

My biggest mantra for the year is “Discipline is Freedom”.

I will be intentional this year. I will direct my own life, not let life direct me.

It’s about planning out what my goals are for the year, creating habits around those goals and following through with those promises I made to myself.

Self-disciplines has another half and she is called, self-confidence.  

When I have discipline, I get what I want in life. When I don’t have discipline, I do NOT get what I want.

I’m going to do what others won’t do. Even as a busy mom with a 3-year-old and a 6-year-old who works fulltime yadda, yadda, yadda. With no excuses.

That way, I get what others can’t have. But in that same breath, coming from a place of compassion – I’m going to live by example so other busy moms can aspire to have a life like mine.

I know and can feel this starts with self-discipline in all aspects of our life. Health, family, mental, social, financial, and whatever else is on the life pinwheel.

Self-discipline is not something new to me. I haven’t gotten to where I am without it.

How 39’s self-discipline is different to previous years is because I’m in the trenches of motherhood and have had an awakening brewing over the last two year.

I’ve learned a whole hell of a lot about goal setting, rituals, self-promises, practices, spirituality, consistancy, and being intentional more than I ever knew was out there.

Surrender: The Art of Letting Go (of pushing and should dos)

Ah, yes, the notion of letting go – not of my sanity, but of the relentless pursuit of pushing, and all the ‘should dos’ in life.

As I’m on the last leg of my 30s, it has made me realize that pushing and shoulds is elusive.

Who’s holding me to that standard? Who’s telling me I should do that or this?

If I really think about it, pushing and shoulds is some made up standard by my own mind that was strung together by a beliefs system I didn’t create.

Most of it has come from society and my upbringing in my younger years.  

So, I’m kicking the pressures of pushing and shoulds to the curb!

Instead, I’m surrendering and letting go. I’m letting the Universe guide me to where I need to be.

I will however be a co-creator. I’m not just going to sit and do nothing and wait for the Universe to do it all for me.

I will take those urges and intuition hits I get (a.k.a. whispers from God) and write that blog post, make that TikTok, and follow up on that connection.

All while understanding I don’t need to ‘hustle’ to get where I know I’m going.

So, I’m waving the white flag to the pursuit of pushing and shoulds and embracing the beautiful direction of going with the flow in motherhood, work hood, entrepenuership hood wifehood and everything else hood.

Becoming: Focus on Becoming

The Mantra “Focus on Becoming”, is written every week in my habit planner in the spot that says “This Month’s Goal.

If there’s one intent I can bring into every second of my life, to help me make decisions easily and accuratly is the mantra, “Focus on Becoming”.

Should I break my fast early?

Is that something a person that is focusing on becoming their best version would do? Would they break the promise they made to themselves about their fasting plan today? No, Focus on Becoming.

Should I get mad at that coworker?

Is that something a person that is focusing on becoming their best version would do? Would they break the promise they made to themselves about not letting others steal their peace? No, Focus on Becoming.

Should I have that glass of wine tonight?

Is that something a person that is focusing on becoming their best version would do? Would they break the promise they made to themselves about getting up at 5am? No, Focus on Becoming.

Should I get angry at my kids for not picking up their toys tonight?

Is that something a person that is focusing on becoming their best version would do? Would they break the promise they made to themselves about being patient with their kids? No, Focus on Becoming.

Life is an ever-evolving journey, and as I turn 39, I’m reminded that I’m still very much a work in progress.

My 39th journey isn’t about perfectly hitting all my daily habits. It’s about remembering these habits are for me to focus on becoming.

Becoming an upleveled me; a goal achiever; a person that leads an intentional life.

The person I am today isn’t the same women who tackled diapers and midnight feedings now that my kids are 3 and 6 years old.

I’m evolving, growing, and learning – sometimes gracefully, often amusingly.

‘Becoming’ is about embracing change, learning from my mishaps, and finding joy in the process.

It’s about evolving into a better version of me, all while intending to make it fun while I do it.

So, here’s to my 39th year, where self-discipline, surrender, and becoming are my trusty companions on my 39th year around the sun. 

Check out my FREE women’s cycle fasting cheat sheet, Amazon Store Front, and my Top 8 products to make your fasting lifestyle easier.



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