Fasting To 40: What Should I Do? I’m Turning 39?
Well actually, I am currently 38 years old, turning 39 years old in exactly 40 days. I’m exploring the idea of doing something BIG for my last year before I’m 40.
Hi, by the way, I’m Amber! And this is my first blog post using my blog as a public journal. More on who I am in a future post and more on what I should do to turn the inaugural 40 years old.
For the last few months, I’ve been pondering the question, what extraordinary thing can I do on my way into my 40s hood?
Call me crazy but my head instantly went to “Flipping To 40”. That’s right. I thought I’d document my progress on my way to learning how to do a backflip. The end goal being to show off my skills on my 40th birthday.
That might sound crazy to almost everyone on planet Earth and to be honest, it sounded crazy to me too. But what I appreciated and noticed about this wild thought was,
I really want to set a goal for my 40th birthday so what could that be?
As the weeks flew by I just kept thinking and even talking about “Flipping To 40” with my friends, family, and husband. I even looked up how to train for a backflip on Youtube and found private adult classes at a tumbling gym once my body was ready to start flipping!
But something in my intuition said, “That’s close but also, Amber, my dear, dear, Amber, that’s super far off”.
When my husband, Chris, was facing mid-life he went down the; “I’m going to train for a year to cross country ski to my bike to bomb it down a mountain, only to run several miles, then I think I’ll canoe down a river to a sandy shore in Bend, OR where I’ll then sprint a half mile to a finish line where beer is waiting for me” route. Also known as the Pull, Peddle, Paddle Race.
Although admiral, I’m not doing that!
I’m not sure why but I’ve gotten countless offers from people I know trying to get me to train and run a half marathon with them. Some have even tried to pull me into the crazy few days that is known as the Hood to Coast Race or H2C here in Oregon.
Have you heard of that?
You know the one where thousands of people run legs of a relay race from Mt. Hood, Oregon to the coast of Seaside, Oregon.
I mean, what DOESN’T sound more fun and appealing than sleeping in a van or a strangers field on a tarp, with your co-workers, as they mouth breath, in the rain, fueled on protein bars, Costco Water and M&Ms. All while battling hoards of sweaty, hungry, tired, crowds filled of other co-worker teams and random “Who is willing to suffer with me in this van because I won a spot in the H2C lottery” teams.
That’s right, there are so many people that want to do this race, you have to enter a lottery!
All while driving in traffic, in big white kidnapper vans, cheering Jim from accounting on during his leg of the race!
Sounds like a dream situation if you asked me but I think I’ll pass on this request for… forever.
So that leads me to my actual big idea!
I’m going to write a book and if you’re reading this, you’re going to come along with me as I learn, developed, and hone in on my style, my voice, and my writing skills.